Distributed Installation and Trust and Key Stores |
Before you begin this task:
- You must have the role of System Administrator or Organizational Administrator to perform this task.
- You must have installed Process Platform on both the computers and one of them as 'distributed' so that it is connected to the other (first) monitor.
- Copy the following files from the first Process Platform installation to the second Process Platform installation:
- <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/certificates/truststore/CordysDefaultTrustStore.p12
- <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/certificates/keystore/server1_monitor.p12
- Change the following properties in the wcp.properties configuration file of the second Process Platform installation to correspond to the first:
bus.keystore.file bus.keystore.password bus.keystore.privatekey.password bus.truststore.password
Both systems now use the same keystore and truststore for the Monitor.
- On CUSP > My Applications , click
( LDAP Explorer ). The LDAP Explorer window appears.
- Click system > soap nodes > monitorsoapnode@<server1> to go to the service group configuration of the first OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>). The Properties - monitorsoapnode@<server1> window appears.
- Click the
button in the bussoapnodeconfiguration row. The String (xml) - Edit XML for string window appears.
- Inside the <configuration> tag, there is a <monitor_keystore> tag. Copy the tag with all contents to the clipboard.
A sample monitor configuration is as follows:<configuration> <routing ui_algorithm="failover" ui_type="failover"> <numprocessors>1</numprocessors> <algorithm>com.eibus.transport.routing.DynamicRouting</algorithm> </routing> <monitor_keystore> <sharedkey> <EncryptedKey xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#"> <EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-1_5"/> <CipherData> <CipherValue>OvnIwI3lUahb8UyL6l/3LSzAspnzGtAwC9LEcFA8iQvtpfv3XOLSWQcVfOwxcdBB4hia AV8lY9XyXpKm8UG9CTPENnJ+4SPVOjH45f6Yqwgfvz1SOvPbJGpEVU6gIABXNEAPJ5+vAT0/KJsgOA HWDK7A3KWBKwT3OvWFbxaOmgM=</CipherValue> </CipherData> </EncryptedKey> </sharedkey> </monitor_keystore> </configuration>
- Click system > soap nodes > monitorsoapnode@<server2> to go to the service group configuration of the second OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>). The Properties - monitorsoapnode@<server2> window appears.
- Click the
button in the bussoapnodeconfiguration row. The String (xml) - Edit XML for string window appears.
- Paste the <monitor_keystore> with all contents, overwriting the old <monitor_keystore> tag. Both monitors now have the same shared key.
- Remove the key and trust stores from all service groups of <server2>. For more information on removing key and trust stores, refer to Removing Key and Trust Stores
- Restart the OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) on both the computers.
The keystores and truststores are configured to be used in a distributed installation.After you complete this task:
Enable SSO by following the steps in Enabling Single Sign-On.